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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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COVID-19 Epidemic in Sri Lanka: A Mathematical and Computational Modelling Approach to Control.

Wickramaarachchi WPTM, Perera SSN, Jayasinghe S

COVID-19 Epidemic in Sri Lanka: A Mathematical and Computational Modelling Approach to Control.
The personal and social impact of chronic hepatitis B: A qualitative study of Vietnamese and Chinese participants in Australia.

Le Gautier R, Wallace J, Richmond JA, Pitts M

The personal and social impact of chronic hepatitis B: A qualitative study of Vietnamese and Chinese participants in Australia.
Targeting high risk forest goers for malaria elimination: a novel approach for investigating forest malaria to inform program intervention in Vietnam.

Canavati SE, Kelly GC, Quintero CE, Vo TH, Tran LK, Ngo TD, Tran DT, Edgel KA, Martin NJ

Targeting high risk forest goers for malaria elimination: a novel approach for investigating forest malaria to inform program intervention in Vietnam.
OC05.01: *Acceptability of the first trimester anomaly scan amongst parents with a previous experience of fetal anomalies in pregnancy.

Karim J, Craik R, Hinton L, Papageorghiou AT

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health OC05.01: *Acceptability of the first trimester anomaly scan amongst parents with a previous experience of fetal anomalies in pregnancy.
VP34.27: Qualitative assessment of the feasibility and acceptability of a low-cost device for gestational age assessment in a low-resource setting.

Etyang AK, Musitia P, Mwashigadi G, Kinshella M, Vidler M, Temmerman M, Craik R, von Dadelszen P, Noble JA, Papageorghiou AT

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health VP34.27: Qualitative assessment of the feasibility and acceptability of a low-cost device for gestational age assessment in a low-resource setting.
Febrile children in the Emergency Department: Frequency and predictors of poor outcome.

Long E, Solan T, Stephens DJ, Schlapbach LJ, Williams A, Tse WC, Babl FE

Febrile children in the Emergency Department: Frequency and predictors of poor outcome.