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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Associations between high temperatures in pregnancy and risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirths: systematic review and meta-analysis.

Chersich MF, Pham MD, Areal A, Haghighi MM, Manyuchi A, Swift CP, Wernecke B, Robinson M, Hetem R, Boeckmann M, Hajat S, Climate Change and Heat-Health Study Group

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis for female sex workers: ensuring women's family planning needs are not left behind.

Bowring AL, Ampt FH, Schwartz S, Stoové MA, Luchters S, Baral S, Hellard M

HIV + AIDS Global Infectious Disease Threats Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's)
HIV incidence and factors associated with testing positive for HIV among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Myanmar: data from community-based HIV testing services.

Veronese V, Traeger M, Oo ZM, Tun TT, Oo NN, Maung H, Hughes C, Pedrana A, Stoové M

Increasing HIV treatment access, uptake and use among men who have sex with men in urban Indonesia: evidence from a qualitative study in three cities.

Lazuardi E, Newman CE, Anintya I, Rowe E, Wirawan DN, Wisaksana R, Subronto YW, Kusmayanti NA, Iskandar S, Kaldor J, Bell S

Clinical guidelines for caring for women with COVID-19 during pregnancy, childbirth and the immediate postpartum period.

Pavlidis P, Eddy K, Phung L, Farrington E, Connolly M, Lopes R, Wilson AN, Homer CSE, Vogel JP

COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Cost-effectiveness of uterine tamponade devices for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage: A systematic review.

Vogel JP, Wilson AN, Scott N, Widmer M, Althabe F, Oladapo OT