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Research Articles

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Discovery and validation of a personalized risk predictor for incident tuberculosis in low transmission settings.

Gupta RK, Calderwood CJ, Yavlinsky A, Krutikov M, Quartagno M, Aichelburg MC, Altet N, Diel R, Dobler CC, Dominguez J, Doyle JS, Erkens C, Geis S, Haldar P, Hauri AM, Hermansen T, Johnston JC, Lange C, Lange B, van Leth F, Muñoz L, Roder C, Romanowski K, Roth D, Sester M, Sloot R, Sotgiu G, Woltmann G, Yoshiyama T, Zellweger JP, Zenner D, Aldridge RW, Copas A, Rangaka MX, Lipman M, Noursadeghi M, Abubakar I

Identifying risk and protective factors, including culture and identity, for methamphetamine use in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities: Relevance of the 'communities that care' model.

Reilly R, Gendera S, Treloar C, Roe Y, Conigrave K, Azzopardi P, Ward J

Influenza-specific IgG1<sup>+</sup> memory B-cell numbers increase upon booster vaccination in healthy adults but not in patients with predominantly antibody deficiency.

Hartley GE, Edwards ESJ, Bosco JJ, Ojaimi S, Stirling RG, Cameron PU, Flanagan K, Plebanski M, Hogarth PM, O'Hehir RE, van Zelm MC

Letter to the Editor: Recommendations for Implementing Hepatitis C Virus Care in Homeless Shelters: The Stakeholder Perspective.

Harney B, McColl R, Pedrana A, Morrison E, Doyle J, Hellard M, Higgs P

Monitoring Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax using microsatellite markers indicates limited changes in population structure after substantial transmission decline in Papua New Guinea.

Kattenberg JH, Razook Z, Keo R, Koepfli C, Jennison C, Lautu-Gumal D, Fola AA, Ome-Kaius M, Barnadas C, Siba P, Felger I, Kazura J, Mueller I, Robinson LJ, Barry AE

The personal and social impact of chronic hepatitis B: A qualitative study of Vietnamese and Chinese participants in Australia.

Le Gautier R, Wallace J, Richmond JA, Pitts M