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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Structure-Activity Studies of Truncated Latrunculin Analogues with Antimalarial Activity.

Varghese S, Rahmani R, Drew DR, Beeson JG, Baum J, Smith BJ, Baell JB

Prevalence of <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> and Non-<i>falciparum</i> Infections by Photo-Induced Electron Transfer-PCR in a Longitudinal Cohort of Individuals Enrolled in a Mass Drug Administration Trial in Southern Province, Zambia.

Chishimba S, Mwenda M, Mambwe B, Mulube C, Chalwe V, Moonga H, Hamainza B, Chizema-Kawesha E, Steketee RW, Domingo G, Fraser M, Kahn M, Pal S, Silumbe K, Conner RO, Bennett A, Porter TR, Eisele TP, Miller JM, Bridges DJ

Addressing pregnancy-related concerns in women with inflammatory bowel disease: Insights from the patient's perspective.

Flanagan EK, Richmond J, Thompson AJ, Desmond PV, Bell SJ

Epitope masking may limit antibody boosting to malaria vaccines.

Kurtovic L, Boyle MJ, Beeson JG

Rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Vietnam government's experience and preliminary success.

Tran TPT, Le TH, Nguyen TNP, Hoang VM

The case for simplifying and using absolute targets for viral hepatitis elimination goals.

Polaris Observatory Collaborators