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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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The role of midwifery and other international insights for maternity care in the United States: An analysis of four countries.

Kennedy HP, Balaam MC, Dahlen H, Declercq E, de Jonge A, Downe S, Ellwood D, Homer CSE, Sandall J, Vedam S, Wolfe I

Caregiver experience and perceived acceptability of a novel near point-of-care early infant HIV diagnostic test among caregivers enrolled in the PMTCT program, Myanmar: A qualitative study.

Yee WL, Than KK, Mohamed Y, Htay H, Tin HH, Thein W, Kyaw LL, Yee WW, Aye MM, Badman SG, Vallely AJ, Luchters S, Kelly-Hanku A, AAMI study group

Clinical care of pregnant and postpartum women with COVID-19: Living recommendations from the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce.

Vogel JP, Tendal B, Giles M, Whitehead C, Burton W, Chakraborty S, Cheyne S, Downton T, Fraile Navarro D, Gleeson G, Gordon A, Hunt J, Kitschke J, McDonald S, McDonnell N, Middleton P, Millard T, Murano M, Oats J, Tate R, White H, Elliott J, Roach V, Homer CSE, National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce

Costs of providing HIV care and optimal allocation of HIV resources in Guyana.

Suraratdecha C, Stuart RM, Edwards M, Moore R, Liu N, Wilson DP, Albalak R

A community-based co-designed genetic health service model for Aboriginal Australians.

Elsum I, Massey L, McEwan C, LaGrappe D, Kowal E, Savarirayan R, Baynam G, Jenkins M, Garvey G, Kelaher M

A platform in the use of medicines to treat chronic hepatitis C (PLATINUM C): protocol for a prospective treatment registry of real-world outcomes for hepatitis C.

Ramsay J, Marsh J, Pedrana A, Andric N, Norman R, Cheng W, Webb S, Zeps N, Bellgard M, Graves T, Hellard M, Snelling T