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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Review article: Rapid review of the emergency department-initiated buprenorphine for opioid use disorder.

Salter H, Hutton J, Cantwell K, Dietze P, Higgs P, Straub A, Zordan R, Lloyd-Jones M

Decreased K13 Abundance Reduces Hemoglobin Catabolism and Proteotoxic Stress, Underpinning Artemisinin Resistance.

Yang T, Yeoh LM, Tutor MV, Dixon MW, McMillan PJ, Xie SC, Bridgford JL, Gillett DL, Duffy MF, Ralph SA, McConville MJ, Tilley L, Cobbold SA

SNP barcodes provide higher resolution than microsatellite markers to measure Plasmodium vivax population genetics.

Fola AA, Kattenberg E, Razook Z, Lautu-Gumal D, Lee S, Mehra S, Bahlo M, Kazura J, Robinson LJ, Laman M, Mueller I, Barry AE

Birth preparedness and complication readiness among women of reproductive age in Kenya and Tanzania: a community-based cross-sectional survey.

Orwa J, Gatimu SM, Mantel M, Luchters S, Mugerwa MA, Brownie S, Subi L, Mrema S, Nyaga L, Edwards G, Mwasha L, Isangula K, Selestine E, Jadavji S, Pell R, Mbekenga C, Temmerman M

Managing opioid overdose in pregnancy with nasal naloxone.

Bonomo Y, Pastor A, Leung L, Blandthorn J, Dietze P

Gender inequalities in health and wellbeing across the first two decades of life: an analysis of 40 low-income and middle-income countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

Kennedy E, Binder G, Humphries-Waa K, Tidhar T, Cini K, Comrie-Thomson L, Vaughan C, Francis K, Scott N, Wulan N, Patton G, Azzopardi P