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Research Articles

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The first 2 h after birth: prevalence and factors associated with neonatal care practices from a multicountry, facility-based, observational study.

Sacks E, Mehrtash H, Bohren M, Balde MD, Vogel JP, Adu-Bonsaffoh K, Portela A, Aderoba AK, Irinyenikan TA, Maung TM, Thwin SS, Mon NO, Soumah AM, Guure C, Diallo BA, Adeyanju AO, Maya E, Adanu R, Gülmezoglu AM, Tunçalp Ö

Analgesia for vaginal birth: Secondary analysis from the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health.

Souza MA, Cecatti JG, Guida JP, Souza JP, Gulmezoglu AM, Betran AP, R Torloni M, Vogel JP, Costa ML, WHO-MCS study group

Weekly updates of national living evidence-based guidelines: methods for the Australian living guidelines for care of people with COVID-19.

Tendal B, Vogel JP, McDonald S, Norris S, Cumpston M, White H, Leder K, Navarro DF, Cheyne S, Chakraborty S, Murano M, Millard T, Callesen HE, Islam RM, Elliott J, Turner T, National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce

A prospective cohort of people who use methamphetamine in Melbourne and non-metropolitan Victoria, Australia: Baseline characteristics and correlates of methamphetamine dependence.

Quinn B, Ward B, Agius PA, Jenkinson R, Hickman M, Sutton K, Hall C, McKetin R, Farrell M, Cossar R, Dietze PM

Risk factors associated with adverse maternal outcomes following intrapartum cesarean birth: a secondary analysis of the WHO global survey on maternal and perinatal health, 2004-2008.

Harrison MS, Betrán AP, Suresh K, Vogel JP, Goldenberg RL, Gülmezoglu AM

Purchasing, consumption, demographic and socioeconomic variables associated with shifts in alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Callinan S, Mojica-Perez Y, Wright CJC, Livingston M, Kuntsche S, Laslett AM, Room R, Kuntsche E

COVID-19 Alcohol and Other Drugs