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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Challenges and solutions to implementing drug-resistant tuberculosis programmes for children in Central Asia.

du Cros P, Swaminathan A, Bobokhojaev OI, Sharifovna ZD, Martin C, Herboczek K, Höhn C, Seddon JA

Which factors influence the activity levels of individuals with traumatic brain injury when they are first discharged home from hospital?

Hamilton M, Williams G, Bryant A, Clark R, Spelman T

A systematic review of sub-microscopic Plasmodium vivax infection.

Moreira CM, Abo-Shehada M, Price RN, Drakeley CJ

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and the risk of malaria and other diseases in children in Kenya: a case-control and a cohort study.

Uyoga S, Ndila CM, Macharia AW, Nyutu G, Shah S, Peshu N, Clarke GM, Kwiatkowski DP, Rockett KA, Williams TN, MalariaGEN Consortium

Development and pilot of a framework to evaluate reproductive health call centre services: experience of Marie Stopes international.

Yagnik P, Gold J, Stoove M, Reichwein B, van Gemert C, Corby N, Lim MS

High Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Young Adults in Ternate, Eastern Indonesia.

Ie SI, Turyadi , Sidarta E, Sadhewa A, Purnomo GA, Soedarmono YS, Pattiiha MZ, Thedja MD, Harahap AR, Muljono DH