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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Novel Cross-Border Approaches to Optimise Identification of Asymptomatic and Artemisinin-Resistant Plasmodium Infection in Mobile Populations Crossing Cambodian Borders.

Edwards HM, Canavati SE, Rang C, Ly P, Sovannaroth S, Canier L, Khim N, Menard D, Ashton RA, Meek SR, Roca-Feltrer A

Prevention of Liver Fibrosis and Cancer in Africa: The PROLIFICA project--a collaborative study of hepatitis B-related liver disease in West Africa.

Howell J, Ladep NG, Lemoine M, Nayagam S, Toure PS, Diop MM, Daveiga Joao Armindo , Sall AS, Lo G, Crossey MM, Thursz MR, Taylor-Robinson SD, Ka MM

Combination of Vancomycin and β-Lactam Therapy for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia: A Pilot Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial.

Davis JS, Sud A, O'Sullivan MVN, Robinson JO, Ferguson PE, Foo H, van Hal SJ, Ralph AP, Howden BP, Binks PM, Kirby A, Tong SYC, Combination Antibiotics for MEthicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CAMERA) study group, Combination Antibiotics for MEthicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CAMERA) study group, Tong S, Davis J, Binks P, Majumdar S, Ralph A, Baird R, Gordon C, Jeremiah C, Leung G, Brischetto A, Crowe A, Dakh F, Whykes K, Kirkwood M, Sud A, Menon M, Somerville L, Subedi S, Owen S, O'Sullivan M, Liu E, Zhou F, Robinson O, Coombs G, Ferguson P, Ralph A, Liu E, Pollet S, Van Hal S, Foo H, Van Hal S, Davis R

Reply: How Do the New Definitions for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes Really Perform?

Bastard M, Bonnet M, du Cros P, Khamraev AK, Hayrapetyan A, Kimenye K, Khurkhumal S, Dlamini T, Telnov A, Sanchez-Padilla E, Hewison C, Varaine F

Essential components in developing public policy to control viral hepatitis: lessons from Taiwan.

Wallace J, Pitts M, Locarnini S, Ellard J, Carman M, Chen DS

Drug use in Australian nightlife settings: estimation of prevalence and validity of self-report.

Miller P, Curtis A, Jenkinson R, Droste N, Bowe SJ, Pennay A