Accuracy of an HRP-2/panLDH rapid diagnostic test to detect peripheral and placental Plasmodium falciparum infection in Papua New Guinean women with anaemia or suspected malaria.
Umbers AJ, Unger HW, Rosanas-Urgell A, Wangnapi RA, Kattenberg JH, Jally S, Silim S, Lufele E, Karl S, Ome-Kaius M, Robinson LJ, Rogerson SJ, Mueller I
A verbal invitation and specimen collection on the spot are crucial to maximise sexually transmissible infection testing uptake in non-traditional settings.
Hocking JS, Goller JL, Lim MSC
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's)Assessment of DNA methylation profiling and copy number variation as indications of clonal relationship in ipsilateral and contralateral breast cancers to distinguish recurrent breast cancer from a second primary tumour.
Huang KT, Mikeska T, Li J, Takano EA, Millar EK, Graham PH, Boyle SE, Campbell IG, Speed TP, Dobrovic A, Fox SB