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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Diversion and injection of buprenorphine-naloxone film two years post-introduction in Australia.

Larance B, Mattick R, Ali R, Lintzeris N, Jenkinson R, White N, Kihas I, Cassidy R, Degenhardt L

Update on Mucin-1 immunotherapy in cancer: a clinical perspective.

Rivalland G, Loveland B, Mitchell P

Significant geographical differences in prevalence of mutations associated with Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax drug resistance in two regions from Papua New Guinea.

Barnadas C, Timinao L, Javati S, Iga J, Malau E, Koepfli C, Robinson LJ, Senn N, Kiniboro B, Rare L, Reeder JC, Siba PM, Zimmerman PA, Karunajeewa H, Davis TM, Mueller I

Differential short-term regional effects of early high dose erythropoietin on white matter in preterm lambs after mechanical ventilation.

Barton SK, McDougall AR, Melville JM, Moss TJ, Zahra VA, Lim T, Crossley KJ, Polglase GR, Tolcos M

Optima: A Model for HIV Epidemic Analysis, Program Prioritization, and Resource Optimization.

Kerr CC, Stuart RM, Gray RT, Shattock AJ, Fraser-Hurt N, Benedikt C, Haacker M, Berdnikov M, Mahmood AM, Jaber SA, Gorgens M, Wilson DP

HIV Cascade Monitoring and Simple Modeling Reveal Potential for Reductions in HIV Incidence.

Kelly SL, Wilson DP