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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Epidemiology and management of Buruli ulcer.

Huang GK, Johnson PD

Epidemiology and management of Buruli ulcer.
Trends in hepatitis C virus infections among MSM attending a sexually transmitted infection clinic; 1995-2010.

Urbanus AT, Van De Laar TJ, Geskus R, Vanhommerig JW, Van Rooijen MS, Schinkel J, Heijman T, Coutinho RA, Prins M

Trends in hepatitis C virus infections among MSM attending a sexually transmitted infection clinic; 1995-2010.
Factors associated with being asked to initiate someone into injection drug use.

Bluthenthal RN, Wenger L, Chu D, Lorvick J, Quinn B, Thing JP, Kral AH

Factors associated with being asked to initiate someone into injection drug use.
PfRH5 as a candidate vaccine for Plasmodium falciparum malaria.

Drew DR, Beeson JG

PfRH5 as a candidate vaccine for Plasmodium falciparum malaria.
Ventilation onset prior to umbilical cord clamping (physiological-based cord clamping) improves systemic and cerebral oxygenation in preterm lambs.

Polglase GR, Dawson JA, Kluckow M, Gill AW, Davis PG, Te Pas AB, Crossley KJ, McDougall A, Wallace EM, Hooper SB

Ventilation onset prior to umbilical cord clamping (physiological-based cord clamping) improves systemic and cerebral oxygenation in preterm lambs.
Conserved surface accessible nucleoside ABC transporter component SP0845 is essential for pneumococcal virulence and confers protection in vivo.

Saxena S, Khan N, Dehinwal R, Kumar A, Sehgal D

Conserved surface accessible nucleoside ABC transporter component SP0845 is essential for pneumococcal virulence and confers protection in vivo.