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Research Articles

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Gene delivery of medium chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase induces physiological cardiac hypertrophy and protects against pathological remodelling.

Bernardo BC, Weeks KL, Pongsukwechkul T, Gao X, Kiriazis H, Cemerlang N, Boey EJH, Tham YK, Johnson CJ, Qian H, Du XJ, Gregorevic P, McMullen JR

Re-emergence of yaws after single mass azithromycin treatment followed by targeted treatment: a longitudinal study.

Mitjà O, Godornes C, Houinei W, Kapa A, Paru R, Abel H, González-Beiras C, Bieb SV, Wangi J, Barry AE, Sanz S, Bassat Q, Lukehart SA

Effect of nutrient supplementation on the acquisition of humoral immunity to Plasmodium falciparum in young Malawian children.

Barua P, Chandrasiri UP, Beeson JG, Dewey KG, Maleta K, Ashorn P, Rogerson SJ

Antimalarial activity of novel 4-cyano-3-methylisoquinoline inhibitors against Plasmodium falciparum: design, synthesis and biological evaluation.

Buskes MJ, Harvey KL, Richards BJ, Kalhor R, Christoff RM, Gardhi CK, Littler DR, Cope ED, Prinz B, Weiss GE, O'Brien NJ, Crabb BS, Deady LW, Gilson PR, Abbott BM

The implausible "in vivo" role of hydrogen peroxide as an antimicrobial factor produced by vaginal microbiota.

Tachedjian G, O'Hanlon DE, Ravel J

Establishment of a yeast-based VLP platform for antigen presentation.

Wetzel D, Rolf T, Suckow M, Kranz A, Barbian A, Chan JA, Leitsch J, Weniger M, Jenzelewski V, Kouskousis B, Palmer C, Beeson JG, Schembecker G, Merz J, Piontek M