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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Adverse effects of amphotericin B in children; a retrospective comparison of conventional and liposomal formulations.

Andrew EC, Curtis N, Coghlan B, Cranswick N, Gwee A

Antibody Responses to a Quadrivalent Hepatitis C Viral-Like Particle Vaccine Adjuvanted with Toll-Like Receptor 2 Agonists.

Christiansen D, Earnest-Silveira L, Chua B, Boo I, Drummer HE, Grubor-Bauk B, Gowans EJ, Jackson DC, Torresi J

Genital inflammation undermines the effectiveness of tenofovir gel in preventing HIV acquisition in women.

McKinnon LR, Liebenberg LJ, Yende-Zuma N, Archary D, Ngcapu S, Sivro A, Nagelkerke N, Garcia Lerma JG, Kashuba AD, Masson L, Mansoor LE, Karim QA, Karim SSA, Passmore JS

The City of Johannesburg can end AIDS by 2030: modelling the impact of achieving the Fast-Track targets and what it will take to get there.

Stuart RM, Fraser-Hurt N, Kerr CC, Mabusela E, Madi V, Mkhwanazi F, Pillay Y, Barron P, Muzah B, Matsebula T, Gorgens M, Wilson DP.

HIV + AIDS Global Infectious Disease Threats
A biophysical model of dynamic balancing of excitation and inhibition in fast oscillatory large-scale networks.

Abeysuriya RG, Hadida J, Sotiropoulos SN, Jbabdi S, Becker R, Hunt BAE, Brookes MJ, Woolrich MW

Results of Xpert<sup>®</sup> MTB/RIF implementation in Kyrgyzstan.

Kurbaniyazova G, Joncevska M, Kalon S, Kalmambetova G, Mohr T, Toktogonova A, Takieva K, Islam KM, Luelmo F