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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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CD83 is a new potential biomarker and therapeutic target for Hodgkin lymphoma.

Li Z, Ju X, Lee K, Clarke C, Hsu JL, Abadir E, Bryant CE, Pears S, Sunderland N, Heffernan S, Hennessy A, Lo TH, Pietersz GA, Kupresanin F, Fromm PD, Silveira PA, Tsonis C, Cooper WA, Cunningham I, Brown C, Clark GJ, Hart DNJ

CD83 is a new potential biomarker and therapeutic target for Hodgkin lymphoma.
Eliminating HIV & AIDS in India: A roadmap to zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination & zero AIDS-related deaths.

Palchaudhuri R, Niggl M, Palmer CS

Eliminating HIV & AIDS in India: A roadmap to zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination & zero AIDS-related deaths.
Caring for a family member or friend with dementia at the end of life: A scoping review and implications for palliative care practice.

Broady TR, Saich F, Hinton T

Caring for a family member or friend with dementia at the end of life: A scoping review and implications for palliative care practice.
Progression of the first stage of spontaneous labour: A prospective cohort study in two sub-Saharan African countries.

Oladapo OT, Souza JP, Fawole B, Mugerwa K, Perdoná G, Alves D, Souza H, Reis R, Oliveira-Ciabati L, Maiorano A, Akintan A, Alu FE, Oyeneyin L, Adebayo A, Byamugisha J, Nakalembe M, Idris HA, Okike O, Althabe F, Hundley V, Donnay F, Pattinson R, Sanghvi HC, Jardine JE, Tunçalp Ö, Vogel JP, Stanton ME, Bohren M, Zhang J, Lavender T, Liljestrand J, Ten Hoope-Bender P, Mathai M, Bahl R, Gülmezoglu AM

Progression of the first stage of spontaneous labour: A prospective cohort study in two sub-Saharan African countries.
What Behaviors Do Young Heterosexual Australians See in Pornography? A Cross-Sectional Study.

Davis AC, Carrotte ER, Hellard ME, Lim MSC

What Behaviors Do Young Heterosexual Australians See in Pornography? A Cross-Sectional Study.
The associations of poor psychiatric well-being among incarcerated men with injecting drug use histories in Victoria, Australia.

Cossar R, Stoové M, Kinner SA, Dietze P, Aitken C, Curtis M, Kirwan A, Ogloff JRP

The associations of poor psychiatric well-being among incarcerated men with injecting drug use histories in Victoria, Australia.