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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Fc-γ Receptor Polymorphisms, Cetuximab Therapy, and Survival in the NCIC CTG CO.17 Trial of Colorectal Cancer.

Liu G, Tu D, Lewis M, Cheng D, Sullivan LA, Chen Z, Morgen E, Simes J, Price TJ, Tebbutt NC, Shapiro JD, Jeffery GM, Mellor JD, Mikeska T, Virk S, Shepherd LE, Jonker DJ, O'Callaghan CJ, Zalcberg JR, Karapetis CS, Dobrovic A

Fc-γ Receptor Polymorphisms, Cetuximab Therapy, and Survival in the NCIC CTG CO.17 Trial of Colorectal Cancer.
Sofosbuvir and velpatasvir for hepatitis C virus infection in people with recent injection drug use (SIMPLIFY): an open-label, single-arm, phase 4, multicentre trial.

Grebely J, Dalgard O, Conway B, Cunningham EB, Bruggmann P, Hajarizadeh B, Amin J, Bruneau J, Hellard M, Litwin AH, Marks P, Quiene S, Siriragavan S, Applegate TL, Swan T, Byrne J, Lacalamita M, Dunlop A, Matthews GV, Powis J, Shaw D, Thurnheer MC, Weltman M, Kronborg I, Cooper C, Feld JJ, Fraser C, Dillon JF, Read P, Gane E, Dore GJ, SIMPLIFY Study Group

Sofosbuvir and velpatasvir for hepatitis C virus infection in people with recent injection drug use (SIMPLIFY): an open-label, single-arm, phase 4, multicentre trial.
"B in IT" - a community-based model for the management of hepatitis B patients in primary care clinics using a novel web-based clinical tool.

O'Leary DA, Cropp E, Isaac D, Desmond PV, Bell S, Nguyen T, Wong D, Howell J, Richmond J, O'Neill J, Thompson AJ

"B in IT" - a community-based model for the management of hepatitis B patients in primary care clinics using a novel web-based clinical tool.
Multi-clonal evolution of multi-drug-resistant/extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a high-prevalence setting of Papua New Guinea for over three decades.

Bainomugisa A, Lavu E, Hiashiri S, Majumdar S, Honjepari A, Moke R, Dakulala P, Hill-Cawthorne GA, Pandey S, Marais BJ, Coulter C, Coin L.

Tuberculosis (TB) Multi-clonal evolution of multi-drug-resistant/extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a high-prevalence setting of Papua New Guinea for over three decades.
Y-chromosome lineage determines cardiovascular organ T-cell infiltration in the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat.

Khan SI, Andrews KL, Jackson KL, Memon B, Jefferis AM, Lee MKS, Diep H, Wei Z, Drummond GR, Head GA, Jennings GL, Murphy AJ, Vinh A, Sampson AK, Chin-Dusting JPF

Y-chromosome lineage determines cardiovascular organ T-cell infiltration in the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat.
The potential of task shifting selected maternal interventions to auxiliary midwives in Myanmar: a mixed-method study.

Than KK, Tin KN, La T, Thant KS, Myint T, Beeson JG, Luchters S, Morgan A

The potential of task shifting selected maternal interventions to auxiliary midwives in Myanmar: a mixed-method study.