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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Exploiting immune cell metabolic machinery for functional HIV cure and the prevention of inflammaging.

Palmer CS, Palchaudhuri R, Albargy H, Abdel-Mohsen M, Crowe SM

Association between visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid examination and high-risk human papillomavirus infection, Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis in Papua New Guinea.

Vallely AJ, Toliman PJ, Ryan C, Rai G, Wapling J, Gabuzzi J, Kumbia A, Kombuk B, Kombati Z, Vallely LM, Kelly-Hanku A, Wand H, Tabrizi SN, Mola GDL, Kaldor JM

Evaluating antibody functional activity and strain-specificity of vaccine candidates for malaria in pregnancy using in vitro phagocytosis assays.

Hommel M, Chan JA, Umbers AJ, Langer C, Rogerson SJ, Smith JD, Beeson JG

Increasingly inbred and fragmented populations of Plasmodium vivax associated with the eastward decline in malaria transmission across the Southwest Pacific.

Waltmann A, Koepfli C, Tessier N, Karl S, Fola A, Darcy AW, Wini L, Harrison GLA, Barnadas C, Jennison C, Karunajeewa H, Boyd S, Whittaker M, Kazura J, Bahlo M, Mueller I, Barry AE

Involving men to improve maternal and newborn health: A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions.

Tokhi M, Comrie-Thomson L, Davis J, Portela A, Chersich M, Luchters S

Immunization with Transgenic Rodent Malaria Parasites Expressing Pfs25 Induces Potent Transmission-Blocking Activity.

Sala KA, Angrisano F, Da DF, Taylor IJ, Churcher TS, Blagborough AM