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Research Articles

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Surface area-to-volume ratio, not cellular viscoelasticity, is the major determinant of red blood cell traversal through small channels.

Namvar A, Blanch AJ, Dixon MW, Carmo OMS, Liu B, Tiash S, Looker O, Andrew D, Chan LJ, Tham WH, Lee PVS, Rajagopal V, Tilley L

Clinical and demographic characteristics of people who smoke versus inject crystalline methamphetamine in Australia: Findings from a pharmacotherapy trial.

McKETIN R, Quinn B, Higgs P, Berk M, Dean OM, Turner A, Kelly PJ, Lubman DI, Carter G, Baker AL, Manning V, Thomas T, Bathish R, Raftery D, Saunders L, Wrobel A, Meehan A, Sinclair B, Reid D, Arunogiri S, Hill H, Cordaro F, Dietze PM

Wearable Transdermal Alcohol Monitors: A Systematic Review of Detection Validity, and Relationship Between Transdermal and Breath Alcohol Concentration and Influencing Factors.

van Egmond K, Wright CJC, Livingston M, Kuntsche E

Working with Aboriginal young people in sexual health research: a peer research methodology in remote Australia.

Bell S, Aggleton P, Lockyer A, Ferguson T, Murray W, Silver B, Kaldor J, Maher L, Ward J

Wake dynamics and flow-induced vibration of a freely rolling cylinder.

F. Y. Houdroge, T. Leweke, K. Hourigan, M. C. Thompson

Label efficient localization of fetal brain biometry planes in ultrasound through metric learning.

Gao Y, Beriwal S, Craik R, Papageorghiou A.T, Noble JA