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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Non-invasive fibrosis algorithms are clinically useful for excluding cirrhosis in prisoners living with hepatitis C.

Papaluca T, Craigie A, McDonald L, Edwards A, MacIsaac M, Holmes JA, Jarman M, Lee T, Huang H, Chan A, Lai M, Sundararajan V, Doyle JS, Hellard M, Stoove M, Howell J, Desmond P, Iser D, Thompson AJ

Investigating possible syndemic relationships between structural and drug use factors, sexual HIV transmission and viral load among men of colour who have sex with men in Los Angeles County.

Quinn B, Gorbach PM, Okafor CN, Heinzerling KG, Shoptaw S

Does in-hospital trauma mortality in urban Indian academic centres differ between "office-hours" and "after-hours"?

Soni KD, Khajanchi M, Raykar N, Sarang B, O'Reilly GM, Dharap S, Cameron P, Sharma N, Howard T, Farrow N, Roy N

Cost-effectiveness of strategies to improve HCV screening, linkage-to-care and treatment in remand prison settings in England.

Mohamed Z, Scott N, Al-Kurdi D, Selvapatt N, Thursz MR, Lemoine M, Brown AS, Nayagam S

Adapting TB services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mumbai, India.

Meneguim AC, Rebello L, Das M, Ravi S, Mathur T, Mankar S, Kharate S, Tipre P, Oswal V, Iyer A, Mansoor H, Kalon S, Garone D, Ferlazzo G, Isaakidis P

Counting stillbirths and COVID 19-there has never been a more urgent time.

Homer CSE, Leisher SH, Aggarwal N, Akuze J, Babona D, Blencowe H, Bolgna J, Chawana R, Christou A, Davies-Tuck M, Dandona R, Gordijn S, Gordon A, Jan R, Korteweg F, Maswime S, Murphy MM, Quigley P, Storey C, Vallely LM, Waiswa P, Whitehead C, Zeitlin J, Flenady V

COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child Health