Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir for 12 vs. 6 weeks for the treatment of recently acquired hepatitis C infection.
Matthews GV, Bhagani S, Van der Valk M, Rockstroh J, Feld JJ, Rauch A, Thurnheer C, Bruneau J, Kim A, Hellard M, Shaw D, Gane E, Nelson M, Ingiliz P, Applegate TL, Grebely J, Marks P, Martinello M, Petoumenos K, Dore GJ, REACT study group, Protocol Steering Committee, Coordinating Centre, Site Principal Investigators
Controlling COVID-19 via test-trace-quarantine.
Kerr CC, Mistry D, Stuart RM, Rosenfeld K, Hart GR, Núñez RC, Cohen JA, Selvaraj P, Abeysuriya RG, Jastrzębski M, George L, Hagedorn B, Panovska-Griffiths J, Fagalde M, Duchin J, Famulare M, Klein DJ