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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Reinfection Following Successful Direct-acting Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C Virus Infection Among People Who Inject Drugs.

Cunningham EB, Hajarizadeh B, Amin J, Hellard M, Bruneau J, Feld JJ, Cooper C, Powis J, Litwin AH, Marks P, Dalgard O, Conway B, Moriggia A, Stedman C, Read P, Bruggmann P, Lacombe K, Dunlop A, Applegate TL, Matthews GV, Fraser C, Dore GJ, Grebely J

The prevalence of uterine fundal pressure during the second stage of labour for women giving birth in health facilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Farrington E, Connolly M, Phung L, Wilson AN, Comrie-Thomson L, Bohren MA, Homer CSE, Vogel JP

The Melbourne Safe Injecting Room Attracted People Most in Need of Its Service.

Van Den Boom W, Del Mar Quiroga M, Fetene DM, Agius PA, Higgs PG, Maher L, Hickman M, Stoové MA, Dietze PM

Performance characteristics of an instrument-free point-of-care CD4 test (VISITECT®CD4) for use in resource-limited settings.

Vidhyavathi V, Iqbal HS, Kanthamani K, Solomon SS, Nandagopal P, Luchters S, Pham MD, Forbes J, Crowe SM, McMurran C, Anderson DA, Balakrishnan P

Targeting CD300f to enhance hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in acute myeloid leukemia.

Abadir E, Silveira PA, Gasiorowski RE, Ramesh M, Romano A, Mekkawy AH, Lo TH, Kabani K, Sutherland S, Pietersz GA, Ho PJ, Bryant CE, Larsen SR, Clark GJ

Men's and women's knowledge of danger signs relevant to postnatal and neonatal care-seeking: A cross sectional study from Bungoma County, Kenya.

Roney E, Morgan C, Gatungu D, Mwaura P, Mwambeo H, Natecho A, Comrie-Thomson L, Gitaka JN