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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Community-based molecular and serological surveillance of subclinical malaria in Myanmar.

O'Flaherty K, Oo WH, Zaloumis SG, Cutts JC, Aung KZ, Thein MM, Drew DR, Razook Z, Barry AE, Parischa N, Zaw NN, Thu HK, Thi A, Htay WYM, Soe AP, Simpson JA, Beeson JG, Agius PA, Fowkes FJI

Active case-finding in contacts of people with TB.

Fox GJ, Johnston JC, Nguyen TA, Majumdar SS, Denholm JT, Asldurf H, Nguyen CB, Marks GB, Velen K

"It's time!": A qualitative exploration of the acceptability of hepatitis C notification systems to help eliminate hepatitis C.

Walker S, Wallace J, Latham N, Saich F, Pedrana A, Hellard M, Treloar C, Marukutira T, Higgs P, Doyle J, Stoové M

Cross Cultural Workers for women and families from migrant and refugee backgrounds: a mixed-methods study of service providers perceptions.

Rogers HJ, Hogan L, Coates D, Homer CSE, Henry A

Clinical utility of quantifying hepatitis B surface antigen in African patients with chronic hepatitis B.

Post G, Howell J, Sow A, Ndow G, Chemin I, Lo G, Cessay A, Cohen D, Njie R, Toure S, Diop M, Sombie R, Nana J, Leroy V, Lacombe K, Bojang L, Tacke F, Toure-Kane C, Ka M, Mendy M, Mboup S, Thursz M, Shimakawa Y, Ingiliz P, Lemoine M

Early union, 'disgrasya', and prior adversity and disadvantage: pathways to adolescent pregnancy among Filipino youth.

Habito CM, Morgan A, Vaughan C