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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Ketamine Use Among People Who Regularly Use Ecstasy and Other Illicit Stimulants in Australia: Trends and Characteristics of Use, 2009-2019.

Stewart AC, Peacock A, Djordjevic F, Cossar R, Salom C, Lenton S, Dietze P

Enhancement of Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity and Phagocytosis in Anti-HIV-1 Human-Bovine Chimeric Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies.

Edwards JM, Heydarchi B, Khoury G, Salazar-Quiroz NA, Gonelli CA, Wines B, Hogarth PM, Kristensen AB, Parsons MS, Purcell DFJ

Plasma Markers of Disrupted Gut Permeability in Severe COVID-19 Patients.

Giron LB, Dweep H, Yin X, Wang H, Damra M, Goldman AR, Gorman N, Palmer CS, Tang HY, Shaikh MW, Forsyth CB, Balk RA, Zilberstein NF, Liu Q, Kossenkov A, Keshavarzian A, Landay A, Abdel-Mohsen M

Medicinal cannabis and driving: the intersection of health and road safety policy.

Perkins D, Brophy H, McGregor IS, O'Brien P, Quilter J, McNamara L, Sarris J, Stevenson M, Gleeson P, Sinclair J, Dietze P

Midwifery continuity of care and vaginal birth after caesarean section: A randomised controlled trial.

Homer CSE, Davis DL, Mollart L, Turkmani S, Smith RM, Bullard M, Leiser B, Foureur M

Effects of Advertising: A Qualitative Analysis of Young Adults' Engagement with Social Media About Food.

Molenaar A, Saw WY, Brennan L, Reid M, Lim MSC, McCaffrey TA

Young People's Health