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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Plasma ACE2 activity is persistently elevated following SARS-CoV-2 infection: implications for COVID-19 pathogenesis and consequences.

Patel SK, Juno JA, Lee WS, Wragg KM, Hogarth PM, Kent SJ, Burrell LM

Exploring the Impact of Secondary Supply Laws on Adolescent Drinking Trends in Australia.

Vashishtha R, Pennay A, Dietze P, Livingston M

Structural competency in the post-prison period for people who inject drugs: A qualitative case study.

Treloar C, Schroeder S, Lafferty L, Marshall A, Drysdale K, Higgs P, Baldry E, Stoove M, Dietze P

Defining the Essential Exportome of the Malaria Parasite.

Jonsdottir TK, Gabriela M, Crabb BS, F de Koning-Ward T, Gilson PR

Decay of Fc-dependent antibody functions after mild to moderate COVID-19.

Lee WS, Selva KJ, Davis SK, Wines BD, Reynaldi A, Esterbauer R, Kelly HG, Haycroft ER, Tan HX, Juno JA, Wheatley AK, Hogarth PM, Cromer D, Davenport MP, Chung AW, Kent SJ

Meet the Editors.

Bell S, Newman CE, Ligang CY