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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Methamphetamine-type stimulant use in Lao PDR: qualitative findings from users aged 15-25 years in Vientiane Capital and Vientiane Province.

Sychareun V, Santavasy B, Chanlivong N, Fischer A, Thomson N, Power R, Durham J

Experiences of liver health related uncertainty and self-reported stress among people who inject drugs living with hepatitis C virus: a qualitative study.

Goutzamanis S, Doyle JS, Thompson A, Dietze P, Hellard M, Higgs P, TAP study group

Perspectives of primary health care staff on the implementation of a sexual health quality improvement program: a qualitative study in remote aboriginal communities in Australia.

Hengel B, Bell S, Garton L, Ward J, Rumbold A, Taylor-Thomson D, Silver B, McGregor S, Dyda A, Knox J, Guy R, Maher L, Kaldor JM, STRIVE Investigators

Sexual + Reproductive Health
The impact of HIV prevalence, conflict, corruption, and GDP/capita on treatment cascades: data from 137 countries.

Levi J, Pozniak A, Heath K, Hill A

Implementation of hepatitis C cure in Australia: one year on.

Richmond JA, Wallace J

Heterogeneity in hepatitis C treatment prescribing and uptake in Australia: a geospatial analysis of a year of unrestricted treatment access.

Scott N, Hainsworth SW, Sacks-Davis R, Pedrana A, Doyle J, Wade A, Hellard M