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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Drug-related police encounters across the globe: How do they compare?

Hughes CE, Barratt MJ, Ferris JA, Maier LJ, Winstock AR

Immunological responses following administration of a genotype 1a/1b/2/3a quadrivalent HCV VLP vaccine.

Christiansen D, Earnest-Silveira L, Chua B, Meuleman P, Boo I, Grubor-Bauk B, Jackson DC, Keck ZY, Foung SKH, Drummer HE, Gowans EJ, Torresi J

The malaria PTEX component PTEX88 interacts most closely with HSP101 at the host-parasite interface.

Chisholm SA, Kalanon M, Nebl T, Sanders PR, Matthews KM, Dickerman BK, Gilson PR, de Koning-Ward TF

Parasites under the Spotlight: Applications of Vibrational Spectroscopy to Malaria Research.

Perez-Guaita D, Marzec KM, Hudson A, Evans C, Chernenko T, Matthäus C, Miljkovic M, Diem M, Heraud P, Richards JS, Andrew D, Anderson DA, Doerig C, Garcia-Bustos J, McNaughton D, Wood BR

Modified Organosilica Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Stable pH Sensing in Biological Solutions.

Robinson KJ, Huynh GT, Kouskousis BP, Fletcher NL, Houston ZH, Thurecht KJ, Corrie SR

Bone health, activity and sedentariness at age 11-12 years: Cross-sectional Australian population-derived study.

Osborn W, Simm P, Olds T, Lycett K, Mensah FK, Muller J, Fraysse F, Ismail N, Vlok J, Burgner D, Carlin JB, Edwards B, Dwyer T, Azzopardi P, Ranganathan S, Wake M