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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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'I Was Attracted to Him Because of His Money’: Changing Forms of Polygyny in Contemporary Papua New Guinea.

Mek AK, Kelly-Hanku A, Bell S, Wilson L, Vallely AJ

'I Was Attracted to Him Because of His Money’: Changing Forms of Polygyny in Contemporary Papua New Guinea.
Human papilloma virus correlates of high grade cervical dysplasia in HIV-infected women in Mombasa, Kenya: a cross-sectional analysis.

Menon S, Luchters S, Rossi R, Callens S, Kishor M, Bogers J, Vanden Broeck D

Human papilloma virus correlates of high grade cervical dysplasia in HIV-infected women in Mombasa, Kenya: a cross-sectional analysis.
Integration of the cancer-related inflammatory response as a stratifying biomarker of survival in hepatocellular carcinoma treated with sorafenib.

Howell J, Pinato DJ, Ramaswami R, Arizumi T, Ferrari C, Gibbin A, Burlone ME, Guaschino G, Toniutto P, Black J, Sellers L, Kudo M, Pirisi M, Sharma R

Integration of the cancer-related inflammatory response as a stratifying biomarker of survival in hepatocellular carcinoma treated with sorafenib.
Accurate identification of opioid overdose deaths using coronial data.

Roxburgh A, Pilgrim JL, Hall WD, Burns L, Degenhardt L

Accurate identification of opioid overdose deaths using coronial data.
Increasing amphetamine use and forensic involvement among clients of three residential Indigenous alcohol and other drug services in Victoria, Australia.

Goutzamanis S, Higgs P, Richardson M, MacLean S

Increasing amphetamine use and forensic involvement among clients of three residential Indigenous alcohol and other drug services in Victoria, Australia.
Optima Nutrition: an allocative efficiency tool to reduce childhood stunting by better targeting of nutrition-related interventions.

Pearson R, Killedar M, Petravic J, Kakietek JJ, Scott N, Grantham KL, Stuart RM, Kedziora DJ, Kerr CC, Skordis-Worrall J, Shekar M, Wilson DP

Optima Nutrition: an allocative efficiency tool to reduce childhood stunting by better targeting of nutrition-related interventions.