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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Do people with intersecting identities report more high-risk alcohol use and lifetime substance use?

Demant D, Oviedo-Trespalacios O, Carroll JA, Ferris JA, Maier L, Barratt MJ, Winstock AR

A mathematical model with control to analyse the dynamics of dengue disease transmission in urban Colombo.

Wickramaarachchi WPTM, Perera SSN

Global Infectious Disease Threats
'I Was Attracted to Him Because of His Money’: Changing Forms of Polygyny in Contemporary Papua New Guinea.

Mek AK, Kelly-Hanku A, Bell S, Wilson L, Vallely AJ

Human papilloma virus correlates of high grade cervical dysplasia in HIV-infected women in Mombasa, Kenya: a cross-sectional analysis.

Menon S, Luchters S, Rossi R, Callens S, Kishor M, Bogers J, Vanden Broeck D

The cell surface phenotype of human dendritic cells.

Clark GJ, Silveira PA, Hogarth PM, Hart DNJ

Integration of the cancer-related inflammatory response as a stratifying biomarker of survival in hepatocellular carcinoma treated with sorafenib.

Howell J, Pinato DJ, Ramaswami R, Arizumi T, Ferrari C, Gibbin A, Burlone ME, Guaschino G, Toniutto P, Black J, Sellers L, Kudo M, Pirisi M, Sharma R