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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Lower genital tract cytokine profiles in South African women living with HIV: influence of mucosal sampling.

Jaumdally SZ, Masson L, Jones HE, Dabee S, Hoover DR, Gamieldien H, Langwenya N, Myer L, Todd CS, Passmore JS

"I aspire to look and feel healthy like the posts convey": engagement with fitness inspiration on social media and perceptions of its influence on health and wellbeing.

Raggatt M, Wright CJC, Carrotte E, Jenkinson R, Mulgrew K, Prichard I, Lim MSC

Immunometabolism may provide new insights into novel mechanisms of HIV reservoir persistence.

Palmer CS, Crowe SM

Hepatitis C and Risk of Adverse Treatment Outcomes among Patients with HIV and Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis

Aung A

Hepatitis C HIV + AIDS Tuberculosis (TB)
Outcomes of patients with drug-resistant-tuberculosis treated with bedaquiline-containing regimens and undergoing adjunctive surgery.

Borisov SE, D'Ambrosio L, Centis R, Tiberi S, Dheda K, Alffenaar JW, Amale R, Belilowski E, Bruchfeld J, Canneto B, Denholm J, Duarte R, Esmail A, Filippov A, Davies Forsman L, Gaga M, Ganatra S, Igorevna GA, Lazaro Mastrapa B, Manfrin V, Manga S, Maryandyshev A, Massard G, González Montaner P, Mullerpattan J, Palmero DJ, Pontarelli A, Papavasileiou A, Pontali E, Romero Leyet R, Spanevello A, Udwadia ZF, Viggiani P, Visca D, Sotgiu G, Migliori GB

Relationships Between Integration and Drug Use Among Deported Migrants in Tijuana, Mexico.

Horyniak D, Pinedo M, Burgos JL, Ojeda VD