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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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HIV post-test practices: an online survey examining perceived delivery of HIV test results, post-test discussion and referral in healthcare settings across the WHO European Region.

Bell S, Casabona J, Tsereteli N, Raben D, de Wit J

Virtual Screening Against Carbohydrate-Binding Proteins: Evaluation and Application to Bacterial Burkholderia ambifaria Lectin.

Dingjan T, Gillon É, Imberty A, Pérez S, Titz A, Ramsland PA, Yuriev E

Global developments in HIV neurology.

Wright EJ, Thakur KT, Bearden D, Birbeck GL

Why ARRIVE should not thrive in Australia.

Davies-Tuck M, Wallace EM, Homer CSE

Drug detection dogs at Australian outdoor music festivals: Deterrent, detection and iatrogenic effects.

Grigg J, Barratt MJ, Lenton S

Birthplace in Australia: Antenatal preparation for the possibility of transfer from planned home birth.

Fox D, Sheehan A, Homer CS