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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Analysis of time of drug use according to needle and syringe program operating hours in Melbourne, Australia: Effects on individual-level needle and syringe coverage.

O'Keefe D, Aitken C, Scott N, Dietze P

The Rare Anaphylaxis-Associated FcγRIIa3 Exhibits Distinct Characteristics From the Canonical FcγRIIa1.

Anania JC, Trist HM, Palmer CS, Tan PS, Kouskousis BP, Chenoweth AM, Kent SJ, Mackay GA, Hoi A, Koelmeyer R, Slade C, Bryant VL, Hodgkin PD, Aui PM, van Zelm MC, Wines BD, Hogarth PM

Plasmepsin V cleaves malaria effector proteins in a distinct endoplasmic reticulum translocation interactome for export to the erythrocyte.

Marapana DS, Dagley LF, Sandow JJ, Nebl T, Triglia T, Pasternak M, Dickerman BK, Crabb BS, Gilson PR, Webb AI, Boddey JA, Cowman AF

Glucocorticoids influence versican and chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan levels in the fetal sheep lung.

McDougall ARA, Fosang AJ, Faggian J, Wallace MJ, Crossley KJ, Cole TJ, Hooper SB

Mathematical modelling of the impact of expanding levels of malaria control interventions on Plasmodium vivax.

White MT, Walker P, Karl S, Hetzel MW, Freeman T, Waltmann A, Laman M, Robinson LJ, Ghani A, Mueller I

Agent-based models of malaria transmission: a systematic review.

Smith NR, Trauer JM, Gambhir M, Richards JS, Maude RJ, Keith JM, Flegg JA