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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Relationships Between Integration and Drug Use Among Deported Migrants in Tijuana, Mexico.

Horyniak D, Pinedo M, Burgos JL, Ojeda VD

The challenge of liver cancer surveillance in general practice: Do recall and reminder systems hold the answer?

Allard N, Cabrie T, Wheeler E, Richmond J, MacLachlan J, Emery J, Furler J, Cowie B

Achieving a hepatitis C cure: a qualitative exploration of the experiences and meanings of achieving a hepatitis C cure using the direct acting antivirals in Australia.

Richmond JA, Ellard J, Wallace J, Thorpe R, Higgs P, Hellard M, Thompson A

Should sterile needle and syringe wastage be included within individual-level needle and syringe coverage measures?

Daniel O, Campbell A, Paul D

A review of midwifery in mainland China: Contemporary developments within historical, economic and sociopolitical contexts.

Gao LL, Lu H, Leap N, Homer C

Implications of population-level immunity for the emergence of artemisinin-resistant malaria: a mathematical model.

Scott N, Ataide R, Wilson DP, Hellard M, Price RN, Simpson JA, Fowkes FJI