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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Dendritic Cell Responses and Function in Malaria.

Yap XZ, Lundie RJ, Beeson JG, O'Keeffe M

Dendritic Cell Responses and Function in Malaria.
The salt between the beans: a qualitative study of the role of auxiliary midwives in a hard-to-reach area of Myanmar.

Than KK, Luchters S, Tin KN, La T, Beeson J, Morgan A

The salt between the beans: a qualitative study of the role of auxiliary midwives in a hard-to-reach area of Myanmar.
Evaluation of 4-Amino 2-Anilinoquinazolines against Plasmodium and Other Apicomplexan Parasites In Vitro and in a P. falciparum Humanized NOD- scid IL2Rγnull Mouse Model of Malaria.

Gilson PR, Nguyen W, Poole WA, Teixeira JE, Thompson JK, Guo K, Stewart RJ, Ashton TD, White KL, Sanz LM, Gamo FJ, Charman SA, Wittlin S, Duffy J, Tonkin CJ, Tham WH, Crabb BS, Cooke BM, Huston CD, Cowman AF, Sleebs BE.

Malaria Evaluation of 4-Amino 2-Anilinoquinazolines against Plasmodium and Other Apicomplexan Parasites In Vitro and in a P. falciparum Humanized NOD- scid IL2Rγnull Mouse Model of Malaria.
People Born in Non-Main English Speaking Countries Are Less Likely to Start HIV Treatment Early in Australia: A National Cohort Analysis, 2014-15.

Gunaratnam P, McManus H, Watchirs-Smith L, McGregor S, Callander D, Brown G, Lobo R, OʼConnor C, Hellard M, Medland N, Lewis D, Palmer C, Law M, Gray R, Donovan B, Guy R, ACCESS Steering Committee

People Born in Non-Main English Speaking Countries Are Less Likely to Start HIV Treatment Early in Australia: A National Cohort Analysis, 2014-15.
Induction and decay of functional complement-fixing antibodies by the RTS,S malaria vaccine in children, and a negative impact of malaria exposure.

Kurtovic L, Agius PA, Feng G, Drew DR, Ubillos I, Sacarlal J, Aponte JJ, Fowkes FJI, Dobaño C, Beeson JG

Induction and decay of functional complement-fixing antibodies by the RTS,S malaria vaccine in children, and a negative impact of malaria exposure.
Ethical considerations for conducting sexual and reproductive health research with female adolescents engaged in high-risk behaviours in China.

Zhang XD, Luk SCY, Han YH, Chen GR, Zhang GL, Zhu BS, Luchters S

Ethical considerations for conducting sexual and reproductive health research with female adolescents engaged in high-risk behaviours in China.