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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Missing in the middle: measuring a million deaths annually in children aged 5-14 years.

Patton GC, Azzopardi P

Missing in the middle: measuring a million deaths annually in children aged 5-14 years.
Developing a culturally appropriate illustrated tool for the self-collection of anorectal specimens for the testing of sexually transmitted infections: lessons from Papua New Guinea.

Kelly-Hanku A, Bell S, Ase S, Boli-Neo R, Vallely AJ, Badman SG, Nightingale CE, Wapling J

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's) Developing a culturally appropriate illustrated tool for the self-collection of anorectal specimens for the testing of sexually transmitted infections: lessons from Papua New Guinea.
Alternative Splicing in Apicomplexan Parasites

Lee M Yeoh, V Vern Lee, Geoffrey I McFadden, Stuart A Ralph

Alternative Splicing in Apicomplexan Parasites
Alternative Splicing in Apicomplexan Parasites.

Yeoh LM, Lee VV, McFadden GI, Ralph SA

Alternative Splicing in Apicomplexan Parasites.
Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine plus azithromycin may improve birth outcomes through impacts on inflammation and placental angiogenesis independent of malarial infection.

Unger HW, Hansa AP, Buffet C, Hasang W, Teo A, Randall L, Ome-Kaius M, Karl S, Anuan AA, Beeson JG, Mueller I, Stock SJ, Rogerson SJ

Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine plus azithromycin may improve birth outcomes through impacts on inflammation and placental angiogenesis independent of malarial infection.
Early initiation of antiretroviral therapy for people newly diagnosed with HIV infection in Australia: trends and predictors, 2004-2015.

McManus H, Callander D, Donovan B, Russell DB, O'Connor CC, Davies SC, Lewis DA, Hellard ME, Chen MY, Petoumenos K, Varma R, Cogle A, Boyd MA, Grulich A, Pollard J, Medland N, Fairley CK, Guy RJ

Early initiation of antiretroviral therapy for people newly diagnosed with HIV infection in Australia: trends and predictors, 2004-2015.