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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Ecology and epidemiology of rabies in humans, domestic animals and wildlife in Namibia, 2011-2017.

Hikufe EH, Freuling CM, Athingo R, Shilongo A, Ndevaetela EE, Helao M, Shiindi M, Hassel R, Bishi A, Khaiseb S, Kabajani J, van der Westhuizen J, Torres G, Britton A, Letshwenyo M, Schwabenbauer K, Mettenleiter TC, Denzin N, Amler S, Conraths FJ, Müller T, Maseke A

Functional Conservation of the AMA1 Host-Cell Invasion Ligand Between P. falciparum and P. vivax: A Novel Platform to Accelerate Vaccine and Drug Development.

Drew DR, Sanders PR, Weiss G, Gilson PR, Crabb BS, Beeson JG

DC-SIGN Polymorphisms Associate with Risk of Hepatitis C Virus Infection Among Men who Have Sex with Men but not Among Injecting Drug Users.

Steba GS, Koekkoek SM, Vanhommerig JW, Brinkman K, Kwa D, Van Der Meer JTM, Prins M, Berkhout B, Tanck M, Paxton WA, Molenkamp R, Schinkel J, MSM Observational Study of Acute Infection with Hepatitis C (MOSAIC) Study Group and Amsterdam Cohort Studies (ACS)

WHO recommendations on uterotonics for postpartum haemorrhage prevention: what works, and which one?

Vogel JP, Williams M, Gallos I, Althabe F, Oladapo OT

Presence of doctors and obstetrician/gynecologists for patients with maternal complications in hospitals in six provinces of Indonesia.

Pedrana A, Tholandi M, Qomariyah SN, Sethi R, Hyre A, Amelia D, Suhowatsky S, Ahmed S

Quantitative evaluation of an integrated nurse model of care providing hepatitis C treatment to people attending homeless services in Melbourne, Australia.

Harney BL, Whitton B, Lim C, Paige E, McDonald B, Nolan S, Pemberton D, Hellard ME, Doyle JS