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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Bridging the knowledge-practice gap in tuberculosis contact management in a high-burden setting: a mixed-methods protocol for a multicenter health system strengthening study.

Lestari T, Graham S, van den Boogard C, Triasih R, Poespoprodjo JR, Ubra RR, Kenangalem E, Mahendradhata Y, Anstey NM, Bailie RS, Ralph AP

Bridging the knowledge-practice gap in tuberculosis contact management in a high-burden setting: a mixed-methods protocol for a multicenter health system strengthening study.
The Human FcγRII (CD32) Family of Leukocyte FcR in Health and Disease.

Anania JC, Chenoweth AM, Wines BD, Hogarth PM

The Human FcγRII (CD32) Family of Leukocyte FcR in Health and Disease.
Decline in new HIV diagnoses among MSM in Melbourne.

Chow EPF, Medland NA, Denham I, Wright EJ, Fairley CK

Decline in new HIV diagnoses among MSM in Melbourne.
Creating the first national linked dataset on perinatal and maternal outcomes in Australia: Methods and challenges.

Cheah SL, Scarf VL, Rossiter C, Thornton C, Homer CSE

Creating the first national linked dataset on perinatal and maternal outcomes in Australia: Methods and challenges.
Disseminated Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infection Associated With Acquired Immunodeficiency Due to Anti-Interferon γ Autoantibodies.

Yerramilli A, Huang GKL, Griffin DWJ, Kong KL, Muhi S, Muttucumaru RS, Tio SY, Chew SM, Farah R, Christie M, Mahanty S, Schulz TR

Disseminated Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infection Associated With Acquired Immunodeficiency Due to Anti-Interferon γ Autoantibodies.
Differential Patterns of IgG Subclass Responses to <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> Antigens in Relation to Malaria Protection and RTS,S Vaccination.

Dobaño C, Santano R, Vidal M, Jiménez A, Jairoce C, Ubillos I, Dosoo D, Aguilar R, Williams NA, Díez-Padrisa N, Ayestaran A, Valim C, Asante KP, Owusu-Agyei S, Lanar D, Chauhan V, Chitnis C, Dutta S, Angov E, Gamain B, Coppel RL, Beeson JG, Reiling L, Gaur D, Cavanagh D, Gyan B, Nhabomba AJ, Campo JJ, Moncunill G

Differential Patterns of IgG Subclass Responses to <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> Antigens in Relation to Malaria Protection and RTS,S Vaccination.