The effect of Expanding Maternal and Neonatal Survival interventions on improving the coverage of labor monitoring and complication prevention practices in hospitals in Indonesia: A difference-in-difference analysis.
Tholandi M, Sethi R, Pedrana A, Qomariyah SN, Amelia D, Kaslam P, Sudirman S, Apriatni MS, Rahmanto A, Emerson M, Ahmed S
Assessing the effect of the Expanding Maternal and Neonatal Survival program on improving stabilization and referral for maternal and newborn complications in Indonesia.
Pedrana A, Qomariyah SN, Tholandi M, Wijayanto B, Gandawidjaja T, Amelia D, Apriatni M, Sudirman S, Zazri A, Sethi R, Emerson M, Ahmed S