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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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The emerging burden of liver disease in cystic fibrosis patients: A UK nationwide study.

Toledano MB, Mukherjee SK, Howell J, Westaby D, Khan SA, Bilton D, Simmonds NJ

The emerging burden of liver disease in cystic fibrosis patients: A UK nationwide study.
Addressing preconception behaviour change through mobile phone apps: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Musgrave LM, Homer CSE, Kizirian NV, Gordon A

Addressing preconception behaviour change through mobile phone apps: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Surveillance of adverse events in the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis: A global feasibility study.

Akkerman O, Aleksa A, Alffenaar JW, Al-Marzouqi NH, Arias-Guillén M, Belilovski E, Bernal E, Boeree MJ, Borisov SE, Bruchfeld J, Cadiñanos Loidi J, Cai Q, Caminero JA, Cebrian Gallardo JJ, Centis R, Codecasa LR, D'Ambrosio L, Dalcolmo M, Danila E, Dara M, Davidavičienė E, Davies Forsman L, De Los Rios Jefe J, Denholm J, Duarte R, Elamin SE, Ferrarese M, Filippov A, Ganatra S, Garcia A, García-García JM, Gayoso R, Giraldo Montoya AM, Gomez Rosso RG, Gualano G, Hoefsloot W, Ilievska-Poposka B, Jonsson J, Khimova E, Kuksa L, Kunst H, Laniado-Laborín R, Li Y, Magis-Escurra C, Manfrin V, Manga S, Marchese V, Martínez Robles E, Maryandyshev A, Matteelli A, Migliori GB, Mullerpattan JB, Munoz-Torrico M, Mustafa Hamdan H, Nieto Marcos M, Noordin NM, Palmero DJ, Palmieri F, Payen MC, Piubello A, Pontali E, Pontarelli A, Quirós S, Rendon A, Skrahina A, Šmite A, Solovic I, Sotgiu G, Souleymane MB, Spanevello A, Stošić M, Tadolini M, Tiberi S, Udwadia ZF, van den Boom M, Vescovo M, Viggiani P, Visca D, Zhurkin D, Zignol M, members of the International Study Group on new anti-tuberculosis drugs and adverse events monitoring

Surveillance of adverse events in the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis: A global feasibility study.
The N-terminus of EXP2 forms the membrane-associated pore of the protein exporting translocon PTEX in Plasmodium falciparum.

Sanders PR, Dickerman BK, Charnaud SC, Ramsland PA, Crabb BS, Gilson PR

Malaria The N-terminus of EXP2 forms the membrane-associated pore of the protein exporting translocon PTEX in Plasmodium falciparum.
Bedaquiline overdose: A case report.

Telnov O, Alvarez V, Graglia E, Molfino L, du Cros P, Rich M

Bedaquiline overdose: A case report.
Diagnosis and drug resistance of human soil-transmitted helminth infections: A public health perspective.

Mutombo PN, Man NWY, Nejsum P, Ricketson R, Gordon CA, Robertson G, Clements ACA, Chacón-Fonseca N, Nissapatorn V, Webster JP, McLaws ML

Diagnosis and drug resistance of human soil-transmitted helminth infections: A public health perspective.