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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Is another relationship possible? Connoisseurship and the doctor-patient relationship for men who consume performance and image-enhancing drugs.

Fraser S, Fomiatti R, Moore D, Seear K, Aitken C

Caring Masculinities in the Context of HIV Serodiscordant Relationships in Papua New Guinea.

Mitchell E, Kelly-Hanku A, Mek A, Trumb RN, Persson A, Worth H, Bell S

HIV + AIDS Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's)
Assessing Knowledge Gaps of Women and Healthcare Providers Concerning Cardiovascular Risk After Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy-A Scoping Review.

Roth H, LeMarquand G, Henry A, Homer C

Non-clinical interventions to reduce unnecessary caesarean sections: WHO recommendations.

Opiyo N, Kingdon C, Oladapo OT, Souza JP, Vogel JP, Bonet M, Bucagu M, Portela A, McConville F, Downe S, Gülmezoglu AM, Betrán AP

B cell immunodominance in primary hepatitis C virus infection.

Brasher NA, Eltahla AA, Underwood A, Boo I, Rizzetto S, Walker MR, Rodrigo C, Luciani F, Maher L, Drummer HE, Tedla N, Lloyd AR, Bull RA

Designing, implementing and evaluating the overdose response with take-home naloxone model of care: An evaluation of client outcomes and perspectives.

Lintzeris N, Monds LA, Bravo M, Read P, Harrod ME, Gilliver R, Wood W, Nielsen S, Dietze PM, Lenton S, Shanahan M, Jauncey M, Jefferies M, Hazelwood S, Dunlop AJ, Greenaway M, Haber P, Ezard N, Malcom A