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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Genotyping and outcomes of presumptive second line ART failure cases switched to third line or maintained on second line ART in Mumbai, India.

Gill N, Van den Bergh R, Wut Yee Kyaw K, Laxmeshwar C, Das M, Rastogi S, Arago Galindo M, Mansoor H, Kalon S, Isaakidis P

Genotyping and outcomes of presumptive second line ART failure cases switched to third line or maintained on second line ART in Mumbai, India.
Missed Opportunities: Menstruation Matters for Family Planning.

Hennegan J, Tsui AO, Sommer M

Missed Opportunities: Menstruation Matters for Family Planning.
Strategic investment in tuberculosis control in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Doan TN, Varleva T, Zamfirova M, Tyufekchieva M, Keshelava A, Hristov K, Yaneva A, Gadzheva B, Zhang S, Irbe S, Ragonnet R, McBryde ES, Trauer JM

Strategic investment in tuberculosis control in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Adolescent tuberculosis.

Snow KJ, Cruz AT, Seddon JA, Ferrand RA, Chiang SS, Hughes JA, Kampmann B, Graham SM, Dodd PJ, Houben RM, Denholm JT, Sawyer SM, Kranzer K

Adolescent tuberculosis.
The clock is ticking: the impact of ageing on T cell metabolism.

Quinn KM, Palchaudhuri R, Palmer CS, La Gruta NL

The clock is ticking: the impact of ageing on T cell metabolism.
Treading lightly: Finding the best way to use public health surveillance of hepatitis C diagnoses to increase access to cure.

Stoové M, Wallace J, Higgs P, Pedrana A, Goutzamanis S, Latham N, Scott N, Treloar C, Crawford S, Doyle J, Hellard M

Treading lightly: Finding the best way to use public health surveillance of hepatitis C diagnoses to increase access to cure.