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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Strategic investment in tuberculosis control in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Doan TN, Varleva T, Zamfirova M, Tyufekchieva M, Keshelava A, Hristov K, Yaneva A, Gadzheva B, Zhang S, Irbe S, Ragonnet R, McBryde ES, Trauer JM

Adolescent tuberculosis.

Snow KJ, Cruz AT, Seddon JA, Ferrand RA, Chiang SS, Hughes JA, Kampmann B, Graham SM, Dodd PJ, Houben RM, Denholm JT, Sawyer SM, Kranzer K

Treading lightly: Finding the best way to use public health surveillance of hepatitis C diagnoses to increase access to cure.

Stoové M, Wallace J, Higgs P, Pedrana A, Goutzamanis S, Latham N, Scott N, Treloar C, Crawford S, Doyle J, Hellard M

A 'scoping review' of qualitative literature about engagement with HIV care in Indonesia.

Lazuardi E, Bell S, Newman CE

Repeated mosquito net distributions, improved treatment, and trends in malaria cases in sentinel health facilities in Papua New Guinea.

Rodriguez-Rodriguez D, Maraga S, Lorry L, Robinson LJ, Siba PM, Mueller I, Pulford J, Ross A, Hetzel MW

Optimal allocation of HIV resources among geographical regions.

Kedziora DJ, Stuart RM, Pearson J, Latypov A, Dierst-Davies R, Duda M, Avaliani N, Wilson DP, Kerr CC