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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Acquisition of Antibodies Against Endothelial Protein C Receptor-Binding Domains of Plasmodium falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 1 in Children with Severe Malaria.

Rambhatla JS, Turner L, Manning L, Laman M, Davis TME, Beeson JG, Mueller I, Warrel J, Theander TG, Lavstsen T, Rogerson SJ

Acquisition of Antibodies Against Endothelial Protein C Receptor-Binding Domains of Plasmodium falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 1 in Children with Severe Malaria.
Re-Wired: treatment and peer support for men who have sex with men who use methamphetamine.

Burgess K, Parkhill G, Wiggins J, Ruth S, Stoovè M

Re-Wired: treatment and peer support for men who have sex with men who use methamphetamine.
Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis: Efficacy and Safety of Direct-Acting Antivirals for Chronic Hepatitis C Genotypes 5 and 6.

Due OT, Chaikledkaew U, Genuino AJM, Sobhonslidsuk A, Thakkinstian A

Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis: Efficacy and Safety of Direct-Acting Antivirals for Chronic Hepatitis C Genotypes 5 and 6.
Blood-borne virus transmission in an urban, culturally diverse neighbourhood: results from a cross-sectional bio-behavioural survey using innovative outreach methods in a hard-to-reach population.

Peach E, Cogger S, Byron K, Francis P, O'Keefe D, Higgs P, Stoove M, Elmore K, Dietze P, Hellard M

Blood-borne virus transmission in an urban, culturally diverse neighbourhood: results from a cross-sectional bio-behavioural survey using innovative outreach methods in a hard-to-reach population.
Aiming for 90-90-90 - the importance of understanding the risk factors for HIV exposure and advanced HIV infection in migrant populations and other groups who do not report male-to-male sex.

Peach E, Lemoh C, Stoove M, Agius P, El Hayek C, Higgins N, Hellard M

Aiming for 90-90-90 - the importance of understanding the risk factors for HIV exposure and advanced HIV infection in migrant populations and other groups who do not report male-to-male sex.
Syndromic management of sexually transmissible infections in resource-poor settings: a systematic review with meta-analysis of the abnormal vaginal discharge flowchart for Neisseria gonorrhoea and Chlamydia trachomatis.

van Gemert C, Hellard M, Bradshaw CS, Fowkes FJI, Agius PA, Stoove M, Bennett CM

Syndromic management of sexually transmissible infections in resource-poor settings: a systematic review with meta-analysis of the abnormal vaginal discharge flowchart for Neisseria gonorrhoea and Chlamydia trachomatis.