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Research Articles

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Response to Kwon et al. "Estimating the number of people who inject drugs and syringe coverage in Australia, 2005-2016".

O'Keefe D, Aitken C, Dietze P

Differential impact of malaria control interventions on P. falciparum and P. vivax infections in young Papua New Guinean children.

Ome-Kaius M, Kattenberg JH, Zaloumis S, Siba M, Kiniboro B, Jally S, Razook Z, Mantila D, Sui D, Ginny J, Rosanas-Urgell A, Karl S, Obadia T, Barry A, Rogerson SJ, Laman M, Tisch D, Felger I, Kazura JW, Mueller I, Robinson LJ

Hepatitis C virus testing, liver disease assessment and treatment uptake among people who inject drugs pre- and post-universal access to direct-acting antiviral treatment in Australia: The LiveRLife study.

Bajis S, Grebely J, Hajarizadeh B, Applegate T, Marshall AD, Ellen Harrod M, Byrne J, Bath N, Read P, Edwards M, Gorton C, Hayllar J, Cock V, Peterson S, Thomson C, Weltman M, Jefferies M, Wood W, Haber P, Ezard N, Martinello M, Maher L, Dore GJ, LiveRLife Study Group

Accessing HIV treatment and care services in fishing communities around Lake Victoria in Uganda: mobility and transport challenges.

Tumwine C, Aggleton P, Bell S

Identification of Betamethasone-Regulated Target Genes and Cell Pathways in Fetal Rat Lung Mesenchymal Fibroblasts.

Seow BKL, McDougall ARA, Short KL, Wallace MJ, Hooper SB, Cole TJ

Male-Specific Protein Disulphide Isomerase Function is Essential for Plasmodium Transmission and a Vulnerable Target for Intervention.

Angrisano F, Sala KA, Tapanelli S, Christophides GK, Blagborough AM