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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Programmatic versus personalised approaches to managing the global epidemic of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.

Chakaya JM, Marais B, du Cros P, Ntoumi F, Mfinanga S, Kapata N, Hasnain SE, Nathavitharana R, Zumla A

Motivations for crystal methamphetamine-opioid co-injection/co-use amongst community-recruited people who inject drugs: a qualitative study.

Palmer A, Scott N, Dietze P, Higgs P

The Evolving Facets of Bacterial Vaginosis: Implications for HIV Transmission.

McKinnon LR, Achilles SL, Bradshaw CS, Burgener A, Crucitti T, Fredricks DN, Jaspan HB, Kaul R, Kaushic C, Klatt N, Kwon DS, Marrazzo JM, Masson L, McClelland RS, Ravel J, van de Wijgert JHHM, Vodstrcil LA, Tachedjian G

An evaluation of the benefits and harms of antenatal corticosteroid treatment for women at risk of imminent preterm birth or prior to elective Caesarean-section: Study protocol for an individual participant data meta-analysis.

Wastnedge E, Vogel J, Been JV, Bannerman-Gyamfi C, Schuit E, Roberts D, Reynolds RM, Stock S, Co_Opt collaboration

Point-of-care HIV testing can help achieve UNAIDS targets.

Hellard M, Ryan KE, Stoové M

Closing the Stable Door After the Horse Has Bolted: Should We Be Treating People With Immune-Tolerant Chronic Hepatitis B to Prevent Hepatocellular Carcinoma?

Howell J, Chan HLY, Feld JJ, Hellard ME, Thompson AJ