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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Inter-relationships among key reproductive health indicators in sub-Saharan Africa focusing on the central role of maternal literacy.

Woldegiorgis MA, Meyer D, Hiller JE, Mekonnen W, Bhowmik J

The invisible burden of malaria-attributable stillbirths.

Fowkes FJI, Davidson E, Moore KA, McGready R, Simpson JA

Blood donation amongst people who inject drugs in Australia: research supporting policy change.

Quinn B, Pearson R, Cutts J, Seed C, Scott N, Hoad V, Dietze P, Wilson D, Maher L, Thompson A, Farrell M, Harrod M, Caris S, Pink J, Kotsiou G, Hellard M

Fc functional antibody responses to adjuvanted versus unadjuvanted seasonal influenza vaccination in community-dwelling older adults.

Vanderven HA, Barr I, Reynaldi A, Wheatley AK, Wines BD, Davenport MP, Hogarth PM, Kent SJ

Perceptions of extended-release buprenorphine injections for opioid use disorder among people who regularly use opioids in Australia.

Larance B, Degenhardt L, Grebely J, Nielsen S, Bruno R, Dietze P, Lancaster K, Larney S, Santo T, Shanahan M, Memedovic S, Ali R, Farrell M

A latent class approach to identify multi-risk profiles associated with phylogenetic clustering of recent hepatitis C virus infection in Australia and New Zealand from 2004 to 2015.

Bartlett SR, Applegate TL, Jacka BP, Martinello M, Lamoury FM, Danta M, Bradshaw D, Shaw D, Lloyd AR, Hellard M, Dore GJ, Matthews GV, Grebely J