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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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PfCERLI1 is a conserved rhoptry associated protein essential for Plasmodium falciparum merozoite invasion of erythrocytes.

Liffner B, Frölich S, Heinemann GK, Liu B, Ralph SA, Dixon MWA, Gilberger TW, Wilson DW

Australia needs to increase testing to achieve hepatitis C elimination.

Scott N, Sacks-Davis R, Wade AJ, Stoove M, Pedrana A, Doyle JS, Thompson AJ, Wilson DP, Hellard ME

Sharing the costs of structural interventions: What can models tell us?

Stuart RM, Wilson DP

The validation of organisational culture assessment instrument in healthcare setting: results from a cross-sectional study in Vietnam.

Van Huy N, Thu NTH, Anh NLT, Au NTH, Phuong NT, Cham NT, Minh PD

Gaps in the HIV diagnosis and care cascade for migrants in Australia, 2013-2017: A cross-sectional study.

Marukutira T, Gray RT, Douglass C, El-Hayek C, Moreira C, Asselin J, Donovan B, Vickers T, Spelman T, Crowe S, Guy R, Stoove M, Hellard M

Barriers and Enablers to HIV Care Among <i>Waria</i> (Transgender Women) in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study.

Mitchell E, Lazuardi E, Rowe E, Anintya I, Wirawan DN, Wisaksana R, Subronto YW, Prameswari HD, Kaldor J, Bell S