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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Point-of-care HIV testing can help achieve UNAIDS targets.

Hellard M, Ryan KE, Stoové M

Point-of-care HIV testing can help achieve UNAIDS targets.
Closing the Stable Door After the Horse Has Bolted: Should We Be Treating People With Immune-Tolerant Chronic Hepatitis B to Prevent Hepatocellular Carcinoma?

Howell J, Chan HLY, Feld JJ, Hellard ME, Thompson AJ

Closing the Stable Door After the Horse Has Bolted: Should We Be Treating People With Immune-Tolerant Chronic Hepatitis B to Prevent Hepatocellular Carcinoma?
Measuring menstrual hygiene experience: development and validation of the Menstrual Practice Needs Scale (MPNS-36) in Soroti, Uganda.

Hennegan J, Nansubuga A, Smith C, Redshaw M, Akullo A, Schwab KJ

Measuring menstrual hygiene experience: development and validation of the Menstrual Practice Needs Scale (MPNS-36) in Soroti, Uganda.
Third- and fourth-degree tears: A review of the current evidence for prevention and management.

Wilson AN, Homer CSE

Third- and fourth-degree tears: A review of the current evidence for prevention and management.
Tuberculosis in pregnant women and neonates: A meta-review of current evidence.

K J S, A B, G K H, S M G

Tuberculosis in pregnant women and neonates: A meta-review of current evidence.
The effect of Instagram #fitspiration images on young women's mood, body image, and exercise behaviour.

Prichard I, Kavanagh E, Mulgrew KE, Lim MSC, Tiggemann M

The effect of Instagram #fitspiration images on young women's mood, body image, and exercise behaviour.