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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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C-Reactive Protein and Its Structural Isoforms: An Evolutionary Conserved Marker and Central Player in Inflammatory Diseases and Beyond.

McFadyen JD, Zeller J, Potempa LA, Pietersz GA, Eisenhardt SU, Peter K

Caring for the carers: Ensuring the provision of quality maternity care during a global pandemic.

Wilson AN, Ravaldi C, Scoullar MJL, Vogel JP, Szabo RA, Fisher JRW, Homer CSE

COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Misoprostol for the prevention of post-partum haemorrhage in Mozambique: an analysis of the interface between human rights, maternal health and development.

Hobday K, Zwi AB, Homer C, Kirkham R, Hulme J, Wate PZ, Prata N

Measuring hepatitis C virus elimination as a public health threat: Beyond global targets.

van Santen DK, Sacks-Davis R, Doyle JS, Scott N, Prins M, Hellard M

Young Aboriginal people's engagement with STI testing in the Northern Territory, Australia.

Bell S, Aggleton P, Ward J, Murray W, Silver B, Lockyer A, Ferguson T, Fairley CK, Whiley D, Ryder N, Donovan B, Guy R, Kaldor J, Maher L

"Bed Bugs and Beyond": An ethnographic analysis of North America's first women-only supervised drug consumption site.

Boyd J, Lavalley J, Czechaczek S, Mayer S, Kerr T, Maher L, McNeil R