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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Bacterial and fungal infections in COVID-19 patients: A matter of concern.

Zhou P, Liu Z, Chen Y, Xiao Y, Huang X, Fan XG

Enhancing the antigenicity and immunogenicity of monomeric forms of hepatitis C virus E2 for use as a preventive vaccine.

Center RJ, Boo I, Phu L, McGregor J, Poumbourios P, Drummer HE

Infectious KoRV-related retroviruses circulating in Australian bats.

Hayward JA, Tachedjian M, Kohl C, Johnson A, Dearnley M, Jesaveluk B, Langer C, Solymosi PD, Hille G, Nitsche A, Sánchez CA, Werner A, Kontos D, Crameri G, Marsh GA, Baker ML, Poumbourios P, Drummer HE, Holmes EC, Wang LF, Smith I, Tachedjian G

Harnessing the immune system via FcγR function in immune therapy: a pathway to next-gen mAbs.

Chenoweth AM, Wines BD, Anania JC, Mark Hogarth P

Experience as evidence: The prospects for biographical narratives in drug policy

Valentine K, Persson A, Newman CE, Hamilton M, Bryant J, Wallace J.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Injecting Drug Use
Inflammatory and antimicrobial properties differ between vaginal Lactobacillus isolates from South African women with non-optimal versus optimal microbiota.

Manhanzva MT, Abrahams AG, Gamieldien H, Froissart R, Jaspan H, Jaumdally SZ, Barnabas SL, Dabee S, Bekker LG, Gray G, Passmore JS, Masson L