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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Psychometric properties of measures of substance use: a systematic review and meta-analysis of reliability, validity and diagnostic test accuracy.

Santos GM, Strathdee SA, El-Bassel N, Patel P, Subramanian D, Horyniak D, Cook RR, McCullagh C, Marotta P, Choksi F, Kang B, Allen I, Shoptaw S

Understanding mental health and its determinants from the perspective of adolescents: A qualitative study across diverse social settings in Indonesia.

Willenberg L, Wulan N, Medise BE, Devaera Y, Riyanti A, Ansariadi A, Wiguna T, Kaligis F, Fisher J, Luchters S, Jameel A, Sawyer SM, Tran T, Kennedy E, Patton GC, Wiweko B, Azzopardi PS

Routine viral load monitoring and enhanced adherence counselling at a public ART centre in Mumbai, India.

Laxmeshwar C, Acharya S, Das M, Keskar P, Pazare A, Ingole N, Mehta P, Gori P, Mansoor H, Kalon S, Singh P, Mathur T, Ferlazzo G, Isaakidis P

Polygyny, Serodiscordance and HIV Prevention in Papua New Guinea: A Qualitative Exploration of Diverse Configurations.

A Persson, Kelly-Hanku A, Mek A, Mitchell E, Trumb RN, Worth H, Stephen Bell

Global Infectious Disease Threats Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's) HIV + AIDS
Epidemic thunderstorm asthma susceptibility from sensitization to ryegrass (Lolium perenne) pollen and major allergen Lol p 5.

Hew M, Lee J, Varese N, Aui PM, McKenzie CI, Wines BD, Aumann H, Rolland JM, Mark Hogarth P, van Zelm MC, O'Hehir RE

Shifting the paradigm: using disease outbreaks to build resilient health systems.
COVID-19 Global Infectious Disease Threats