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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Personal and reported partner pornography viewing by Australian women, and association with mental health and body image.

Laemmle-Ruff IL, Raggatt M, Wright CJC, Carrotte ER, Davis A, Jenkinson R, Lim MSC

Innate and Adaptive Anti-SIV Responses in Macaque Semen: Implications for Infectivity and Risk of Transmission.

Suphaphiphat K, Bernard-Stoecklin S, Gommet C, Delache B, Dereuddre-Bosquet N, Kent SJ, Wines BD, Hogarth PM, Le Grand R, Cavarelli M

Development and validation of serological markers for detecting recent Plasmodium vivax infection.

Longley RJ, White MT, Takashima E, Brewster J, Morita M, Harbers M, Obadia T, Robinson LJ, Matsuura F, Liu ZSJ, Li-Wai-Suen CSN, Tham WH, Healer J, Huon C, Chitnis CE, Nguitragool W, Monteiro W, Proietti C, Doolan DL, Siqueira AM, Ding XC, Gonzalez IJ, Kazura J, Lacerda M, Sattabongkot J, Tsuboi T, Mueller I

A Natural Peptide Antigen within the Plasmodium Ribosomal Protein RPL6 Confers Liver T<sub>RM</sub> Cell-Mediated Immunity against Malaria in Mice.

Valencia-Hernandez AM, Ng WY, Ghazanfari N, Ghilas S, de Menezes MN, Holz LE, Huang C, English K, Naung M, Tan PS, Tullett KM, Steiner TM, Enders MH, Beattie L, Chua YC, Jones CM, Cozijnsen A, Mollard V, Cai Y, Bowen DG, Purcell AW, La Gruta NL, Villadangos JA, de Koning-Ward T, Barry AE, Barchet W, Cockburn IA, McFadden GI, Gras S, Lahoud MH, Bertolino P, Schittenhelm RB, Caminschi I, Heath WR, Fernandez-Ruiz D

The Short Barriers Questionnaire (SBQ): Validity, factor structure and correlates in an out-of-treatment sample of people dependent on methamphetamine.

McKetin R, Voce A, Burns RA, Quinn B

Adherence in chronic hepatitis B: associations between medication possession ratio and adverse viral outcomes.

Allard NL, MacLachlan JH, Dev A, Dwyer J, Srivatsa G, Spelman T, Thompson AJ, Cowie BC