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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Genomic cues from beta-coronaviruses and mammalian hosts sheds light on probable origins and infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19.

Narh C

Measles elimination in Australia: Hard won, easily lost.

Alexander KE, Wickens M, Fletcher-Lartey SM

Retargeting azithromycin analogues to have dual-modality antimalarial activity.

Burns AL, Sleebs BE, Siddiqui G, De Paoli AE, Anderson D, Liffner B, Harvey R, Beeson JG, Creek DJ, Goodman CD, McFadden GI, Wilson DW

'Think Hep B' in primary care: A before-and-after evaluation of a self-guided learning package.

Xiao Y, van Gemert C, Howell J, Adamson E, Towell V, Cowie BC, Thompson AJ, Hellard M

The Global Action for Measurement of Adolescent health (GAMA) Initiative-Rethinking Adolescent Metrics.

Guthold R, Moller AB, Azzopardi P, Ba MG, Fagan L, Baltag V, Say L, Banerjee A, Diaz T

Reorienting nurturing care for early childhood development during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya: A review.

Shumba C, Maina R, Mbuthia G, Kimani R, Mbugua S, Shah S, Abubakar A, Luchters S, Shaibu S, Ndirangu E

COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child Health